Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Friend

My Friend, My Friend
Why cant you see?
You're a jaded shadow
Not who you used to be
Please, I beg
Gaze into your vacant stare
For I pray that you will see
Your shriveled soul wrenching to break free
My Friend, I know
These shackles keep you down
But the key lies with you
Waiting to be found
So set your soul free
And when you do, My Friend
Wont you find me?


  1. good poem. I think a break at midpoint would be valuable... try to write out the other piece that we mentioned in class...the anger at the source of the shackles.

  2. This is brilliant and so..just beautiful. You can tell there is intense emotion behind this...I think sometimes that's when the best pieces come forth in our minds. I would love to read more though! If you havn't heard it've got talent!

  3. Dillon you have a lot of talent. This is an amazing poem, its hard to find anything to change about it, Its beautiful and raw. A break in the middle is a good idea. I really hope we get to read more of your writing soon.

  4. This is a beautiful piece Dillon, my favorite line is " Gaze into your vacant stare". Good Job
